Monday, February 26, 2007

Friday, February 23, 2007

shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook

shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook


Here are a list of shortcuts to help you move faster in Microsoft Outlook:

Alt + . (period) Open the Address Book with the To field selected

Alt + A Open the Action drop-down menu

Alt + B Open the Address Book with the BCC field selected

Alt + C Select message recipients for CC field

Alt + D Switch to Daily calendar view

Alt + E Open the Edit drop-down menu
Alt + F Open the File drop-down menu

Alt + G Open the Go drop-down menu

Alt + H Open the Help drop-down menu

Alt + I Open the Find tool bar / Open the Insert drop-down menu

Alt + J Move to the Subject field

Alt + K Check names in the To, CC, or BCC field against the Address Book (cursor must be in the corresponding message header field)

Alt + L Reply All

Alt + M Switch to Monthly calendar view

Alt + N Open the Accounts drop-down menu

Alt + O Open the Format drop-down menu / Switch to Today calendar view

Alt + P Open the Message Options dialog box

Alt + R Reply / Switch to Work Week Calendar view

Alt + S Send

Alt + T Open the Tools drop-down menu
Alt + V Open the View drop-down menu

Alt + W Forward an item / Switch to Weekly calendar view

Alt + Y Switch to Daily calendar view

Ctrl + 1 Go to Mail

Ctrl + 2 Go to Calendar

Ctrl + 3 Go to Contacts

Ctrl + 4 Go to Tasks

Ctrl + 5 Go to Notes

Ctrl + 6 Go to Folder List

Ctrl + 7 Go to Shortcuts

Ctrl + 8 Go to Journal

Ctrl + A Select all

Ctrl + B Bold when editing a rich text message

Ctrl + C Copy

Ctrl + D Delete an item (message, task, contact, etc.)

Ctrl + E Activate the Find drop-down menu / Center Align when editing a rich text message

Ctrl + F Forward

Ctrl + J Open a new Journal Entry from the selected item (message, task, contact, etc.)

Ctrl + K Check names in the To, CC, or BCC field against the Address Book (cursor must be in the corresponding message header field)

Ctrl + M Send/Receive all

Ctrl + O Open

Ctrl + P Print

Ctrl + Q Mark the selected message Read

Ctrl + R Reply

Ctrl + S Save a draft message

Ctrl + T Tab

Ctrl + U Mark the selected message Unread

Ctrl + V Paste

Ctrl + X Cut

Ctrl + Y Go to Folder

Ctrl + Z Undo

Ctrl + Backspace Delete the previous word

Ctrl + End Move to the end

Ctrl + Home Move to the beginning

Ctrl + Shift + A Open a new Appointment

Ctrl + Shift + B Open the Address Book

Ctrl + Shift + C Create a new Contact

Ctrl + Shift + E Open a new folder

Ctrl + Shift + F Open the Advanced Find window

Ctrl + Shift + G Flag message for follow up

Ctrl + Shift + J Open a new Journal Entry

Ctrl + Shift + K Open a new Task

Ctrl + Shift + L Open a new Distribution List

Ctrl + Shift + M Open a new Message

Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new Note

Ctrl + Shift + O Switch to the Outbox

Ctrl + Shift + P Open the New Search Folder window

Ctrl + Shift + Q Open a new Meeting Request

Ctrl + Shift + R Reply All

Ctrl + Shift + S Open a new Discussion

Ctrl + Shift + U Open a new Task Request

Ctrl + Shift + Y Copy a Folder

Shift + Tab Select the previous message header button or field

F1 Open Outlook Help

F3 Activate the Find toolbar

F4 Open the Find window

F7 Spellcheck

F9 Send and receive all

F10 Select File from the Outlook toolbar button

F11 Activate the "Find a contact" dialog box

F12 Save As

Alt + F4 Close the active window


From - Bhoomi Patel

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History of Valentine's Day

History of Valentine's Day

Ever Wonder Who St. Valentine Was? Or why so many people get all mushy around the second week of February? Here's a brief synopsis:

St. Valentine was actually two people (that weren't romantically involved) who were martyred on the same day (c. 270). Feasts commemorating them were celebrated on February 14. One was a priest and physician who died in Rome during the persecution of Christians by Claudius II Grothicus. The other was the bishop at Terni, Italy who was also martyred in Rome. Both have been buried at different places along the Flaminian Way.

So why do people send "valentines" or "love-tokens" to one another on that day? The origin of that tradition is not thought to have any connection with the saint's day. Rather it comes from an early European belief that the second week of February was when birds began to mate. The idea suggests that lovers should probably exchange notes and gifts on February 14 in conjunction with what nature practiced.

Nowadays, Valentine's Day is observed as a special day for love and romance. This topic is one of the oldest, and probably most-discussed, issues in history! As Christians, we know that love originates from God and that God is love (1 John 4:16).
In 269 A.D., the Roman Empire honored Juno, the goddess of women and marriage,on February 14th. The next day the festival of Lupercalia began. At this festival all the girls' names would be written on paper and placed into jars. Each guy would draw a girl's name. Then, they would be a couple for the duration of the festival. Sometimes the pair lasted an entire year, in which they were likely to fall in love and be married.

During this time Claudius II was the emperor of Rome. He liked war, but had a hard time building an army. Claudius thought it was because men didn't want to leave their wives and families. So, he banned all marriages. But Saint Valentine, a Roman Catholic priest, continued to perform marriages in secret. His good deeds came to an end when he was caught and sentenced to die. While in jail, he fell in love with the jailer's daughter. And on February 14, 270 A.D., the day of his death, he sent her a note signed, "From, your Valentine." (In 469 A.D., February 14th was set aside to honor St. Valentine.)

Valentine's Day isn't just about flowers, chocolates and sappy cards. It isn't about red hearts and white teddy bears. And it's definitely not about Cupid. Valentine's Day is about love. A love that cannot be commercialized. That cannot be bought. A love that seems elusive, yet most of us continue to search for it. We want to experience love because it is a powerful, pure emotion. And we're told in the Bible that "Love never fails" (1 Corinthians 13:8).

The cross of Calvary is proof that the love of God will never fail. The splintered wood. The nails. The crown of thorns. The painful death of Jesus. Evidence of the greatest sacrifice, so we would know the meaning of love.

This Valentine's Day, show love. Give a card to your enemy. Be nice to the guy who cuts in the lunch line. Smile at the girl who never smiles. And most importantly, love the way Christ loves us.




From - Bhoomi Patel

join me at : Join SMS Group

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(painting on hand)

== painting on hand ==


From - Bhoomi Patel

join me at : Join SMS Group

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Something Special

Something Special

L o v e b e a t s
L o v e b e a t s
L o v e b e a t s
L o v e b e a t s
L o v e b e a t s
L o v e b e a t s
L o v e
 b e a t s
L o v e b e a t s
L o v e b e a t s
L o v e b e a t s 


From - Bhoomi Patel

join me at : Join SMS Group

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Missing u sms


If you were my valentine
I'd search the endless skies
to find the perfect starlight
that would compliment your eyes
and keep it in a wishing well
created just for you
and filled with my desires
to make all your dreams come true
if you were my valentine
I'd find the softest rose
to gently brush against
those sweetest lips, the angels chose
my heart is like a flower
craving for your morning kiss
mere words cannot pay homage
to a passion such as this
if you were my valentine
I'd treasure every day
the arms that open to me
and the tender words you say
I can't imagine dreaming
of another soul so sweet
for, if your were my valentine
my life would be complete...
Lift Me In Ur Arms Ma Luv! Wen Im Shattered,Wen I M Scatered,Gather Ma Pieces And lift Me Up,Hold Me Tight,Wrap Me In Ur Luv,Ma Luv,Let Me Feel d Warmth,D Soft And Gentle Touch,The Feeling Of Being Close 2 u,Hug Me Tight,Give MeShelter,Let Me Confess,Let Me Apologise,Let Me CryAnd Say It All,Than Hug Me And 4give Me AndHold Me In ur Arms Ma Sweetest luv.
Wud U Like To Be Ma Valentine??? 
dont love a friend like a flower because a flower dies in season,love them like a river because river flows 4 ever. 
love is love, i love my love, my love is you, so i love you!  
 I m feeling so happy, do u know why? cuz i m so lucky, do u know how? cuz God loves me.Do u know how? cuz he gave me a gift. Do u know what? its YOU my love.  
Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love...Makes Life Beautiful  
2 b loved is da bst,
2 fall in love is a curse.
2 b alne is unbearable,# 2 fnd ur true love is a dream,
2 b aprt frm ur love is painful,
2 lose da 1 u love is death.
Its time when people you love should know that you love them
Its time when people you miss should know that you miss them
that is why i keep on saying i love and miss you all the time.
I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!
U r unique
U r caring &
U r the best….
N I'm d luckiest to
Have U in my life!
i've written you on the page of my heart,reflected your face on the mirrors of my soul,displayed you in the gallaries of my eyes,this show how much i you are loved! 
symtyms d most impt thng dat we get frm a relationshp s nt d guarantee of permanence bt d leson dt we learn frm it wen 8 fails.. 8s nt hw mch luv we hav rcvd bt hw mch luv we hav gven.. 8s nt how many tears we hav shed, but hw mch lafter we hav shared..8s nt hw mny times we wer accepted bt hw mny tyms we understud wen we wr rejected.. In d end, 8s nt always hw mch hapiness we hav had bcoz of luv, bt hw mch we hav gven dat made others happy
I have searched my heart
For the words to say just how much u mean to me
You are all of God's Blessings rolled into one.
My dreams,My desires,My evening,My sun.
My evening walking moment, my hopes and my fears,
My disillusion, My contentment, My joy nd My tears.
But most important of all, I thank God when i pray bcoz
u make every moment MY VALENTINE DAY.
u r in my heart,,
if u don't believe in my words,,
so try to pull my heart,,
u will c ur name on every wall of my heart. (gift to lovers)
"one day Love and friendship met. Love asked-when i already exist why are you here? friendship replied "to make faces smile when u leave the tears!"
((LOVE))Love is not to say,
But to understand.
Love is not to show,
But to feel inside.
Love is not to find faults,
But to make the best.
Love is not to demand,
But to sacrifice.
Love is not
to hurt,
But to take care of.
Love is not blind,
But it doesn't need to see.
Only the open heart receives
Only the open mind receives
Only the open hand receives
GIFTS  Copyright www.lovelysms. com
Only the CUTE 1's receive
Hi baby u know when i say 'i miss u' it,s alwayes old one for me, but when u say 'i love u...' really darling it,s alwayes new for me.
When u feel hot and warm at the same time, when u read over the same line for the tenth time, when you heart and thoughts some one how appear rhyme and when a simple name conquers ur whole mind then ur in deep trouble my friend . u are in what they call "love".
Have you ever noticed how someone can break your heart into tons of little pieces but you still love them with ever little broken piece of it!!!!!
its hard 2 act as loving,
to one whom u realy do
nt luv.But it is harder
2 act as nt loving the person
whom u really luv.

Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles..... For smiles can be given to any one but tears are only shed for people we love...
Happy Valentine's Day...
To the One ...
Who has ...
Stolen ...
My Heart...
love is love....
i love my love....
my love is you....
so i love you.....
14 February
Was just another day for me...
Then U came along...
Now I know this is one more...
special day...
When I can thank U...
For filling my life with so much Love...
I am so glad U are my Valentine...
Let's share the world.
A sea is for you, and waves are for me.
The sky is for you, and stars are for me.
The sun is for you, and light is for me.
Everything is for you, and you are for me.

Be My Valentine... ..
May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance.
Happy Valentine's Day Honey...
I ask God for a rose n he gave me flowers...
I ask God for water n he gave me an ocean...
I ask God for an angel n he gave me the best love ever...
..I Love U ...
Love so much my heart is sure..
As time goes on I love you more..
Your happy smile. Your loving face no one will ever take your place..
What the heart gives away is never gone, but kept in the hearts of others, from dusk to dawn. Love you from the core of my heart.
Be my Valentine...
searched through books & leafed through cards...
For words that would convey...
what I had in my heart...
but when I sat down to write...
all I can write was....
I Love U......Happy Valentine Day
If Roses were black and violets were brown,
my love for you would never be found ....
but roses r red and violets are blue, all I want to say is
I Love U.....
Sometimes My eyes get jealouse of my Heart....
You Know Why?
Bcoz.....You Always Remain close to my HEART and far from my EYES...

~Happy Valentine Day my sweet Heart~
I m feeling so happy, do u know why?
cuz i m so lucky, do u know how?
cuz God loves me.Do u know how?
cuz he gave me a gift. Do u know what?
its YOU my love.
~Happy Valentine Day~
U r in my heart....
if u don't believe in my words...
so try to pull my heart...
u will see ur name on every wall of my heart.
thanks for being my Valentine
U are my strength, My love, My heart.
U are love and touch i long 4 so much,
Ur voice so softly that whispers i'm ur's 4ever
Be mine Valentine
"I LOVE U so much"


From - Bhoomi Patel

join me at : Join SMS Group

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Yuvraj Singh Cricketer


Yuvraj Singh ( India )

Test Match Statistics
Position Matches Innings Runs Average Highest 100's 50's Ducks NO's
1 1 2 15 15.00 8 0 0 0 1
5 8 11 227 20.64 75 0 1 2 0
6 11 14 464 38.67 122 2 1 1 2
7 2 2 124 124.00 77* 0 1 0 1
Total 19 29 830 33.20 122 2 3 3 4

Balls Runs Wicket Average Wicket/Match Runs/Over 5+ WI Best
144 90 1 90.00 0.05 3.75 0 1-25




One Day International Statistics ( Man of the Match : 13 times )
First ODI Played : vs Kenya on Tue 3rd Oct 2000
Position Matches Runs Average Highest 100's 50's Ducks NO's SRR
1 1 6 6.00 6 0 0 0 0 40.00
2 1 12 12.00 12 0 0 0 0 70.59
3 6 210 52.50 107* 1 1 0 2 90.52
4 26 614 25.58 103 1 2 0 2 85.40
5 56 1614 35.87 139 4 8 6 11 85.53
6 69 1951 39.82 120 1 15 2 20 86.56
7 3 5 5.00 4* 0 0 0 2 62.50
8 1 0 0.00 0* 0 0 0 0 0.00
Total 163 4412 35.30 139 7 26 8 38 85.97

Balls Runs Wicket Average Wicket/Match Runs/Over 5+ WI Best
1945 1590 42 37.86 0.26 4.90 0 4-6



World Cup Statistics

Last WC ODI Played : vs Australia on Sun 23rd Mar 2003
Matches Runs Average Highest 100's 50's Ducks NO's
11 240 34.29 58 0 2 1 4
Balls Runs Wicket Average Wicket/Match Runs/Over 5+ WI Best
87 70 5 14.00 0.45 4.83 0 4-6


From - Bhoomi Patel

join me at : Join SMS Group

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Sachin Tendulkar Biography

Sachin Tendulkar ( India )
Full Name: Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar
Date of Birth: 24th Apr 1973
Batting Style: Right hand batsman
Bowling Style: Right arm off-break bowler
Special: Hard hitting opener and make shift bowler
Local Team(s): Mumbai
Other Team(s): Yorkshire

Test Match Statistics ( Man of the Match : 10 times )
First Test Played : vs Pakistan on Wed 15th Nov 1989
Last Test Played : vs South Africa on Tue 2nd Jan 2007
Position Matches Innings Runs Average Highest 100's 50's Ducks NO's
2 1 1 15 15.00 15 0 0 0 0
4 114 173 8709 56.55 248* 30 34 10 19
5 20 20 1096 54.80 169 3 5 2 0
6 13 19 731 45.69 148* 2 4 1 3
7 4 4 117 29.25 41 0 0 0 0
Total 135 217 10668 54.71 248* 35 43 13 22
Balls Runs Wicket Average Wicket/Match Runs/Over 5+ WI Best
3409 1926 38 50.68 0.28 3.39 0 3-10


One Day International Statistics ( Man of the Match : 52 times )
Position Matches Runs Average Highest 100's 50's Ducks NO's SRR
1 49 1625 36.11 120 2 9 1 4 81.96
2 207 9799 51.57 186* 35 45 9 17 88.78
3 20 399 23.47 95 0 2 0 3 69.63
4 63 2052 40.24 140* 4 15 4 12 77.67
5 37 797 28.46 82* 0 5 3 9 81.08
6 4 91 30.33 36 0 0 0 1 112.35
7 1 20 20.00 20 0 0 0 0 80.00
Total 381 14783 44.13 186* 41 76 17 46 85.29
Balls Runs Wicket Average Wicket/Match Runs/Over 5+ WI Best
7685 6472 147 44.03 0.39 5.05 2 5-32

World Cup Statistics
First WC ODI Played : vs England on Sat 22nd Feb 1992

Last WC ODI Played : vs Australia on Sun 23rd Mar 2003
Matches Runs Average Highest 100's 50's Ducks NO's
33 1732 59.72 152 4 12 1 4
Balls Runs Wicket Average Wicket/Match Runs/Over 5+ WI Best
624 469 6 78.17 0.18 4.51 0 2-34



From - Bhoomi Patel

join me at : Join SMS Group

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